This Week In Geography.....
This week in geography we learned more about the religions. Speakers from each one came up to talk to everybody on turesday. They were really hard to understand, but they gave good information. After that we had a sub for most of the week, and so we worked quitely on worksheets to study for our test on monday.
In other classes we did some fun stuff this week. For Biology we got to go on a really cool field trip to the comal river, caves, and barton springs. At barton springs we got
to go swimming and at the comal river we had an hour of free time just to run around and eat lunch. It was a long bus ride to get everywhere, but with a lot of my friends on my bus it made it a lot more fun. Our school had to use four big busses to hold all of the students, and that held only one third of my grade. The picture is of me and sarah on the bus!!
When I grow up, I don't really know what I want to be or where I want to go to college even. Im thinking about going out of state, and maybe studing something that has to do with animals. I love being outside and doing things so any job that involves that might intrest me.
Well, there's my blog...thanks for reading :)
Hi Delaney, I mean, Lil'D!!! That name is so funny, and I will probably call you it for the rest of high school!!! Your blog is so cool. I really like the pictures of Austin, and the very purrrty pic of you!!!:) Anywayz, I'll see you at school!!!
ugh hello delaneyy!
i wanted to go on that field tripppp you should have hid me in your purse!!! but i heard there was a lot of work you had to do for it so i just wouldnt do that i guess. and btwwww.
you are super smart and i am jealoussss!!!
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