Saturday, April 5, 2008

April Fools Day!

This week in geography we began to learn about Iraq and internal conflicts. We started a small project having to do with the three major groups there, the sunni, shiite, and kurds. For the project, we had to come up with a peace plan to help the groups to get along. We also learned that water is a major problem in the middle east, as it is being unevnely distributed. It is predicted that the next wars will no longer be about oil, but instead water.

April 1 was this week....april fools day!! At least thats what is called in america. Its a day of tricks and everybody plays pranks on everyone else. Nothing is meant for harm, just all fun and games. It isn't a holiday based on religion, or culture, just a fun holiday meant for everyone everywhere to enjoy. I saw my family and friends this weekend, and had fun hanging out with them.

1 comment:

Culture Exchange Dorothy said...

Hello Delaney ^^ We also observe April Fools' day in Taiwan. Were you tricked on that day? : )


Well, there's my blog...thanks for reading :)