This week in geography we didn't do too much. We continued learning about China and that region through guided reading packets. We also took a test on wednesday to show that we learned all of the countries in the region. Not only were there countries, but a lot of cities and landforms too. It was pretty easy for me.
In my life not much new has happened. But this is our last blog!!! Tomorrow I get my yearbook for the end of the school year, and i am really excited. I love having everyone sign it.
This summer i am going to be a counselor at camp, and look after little kids. I dont mind doing this because I get paid! haha I think i am also going to the beach for my birthday, I will turn 15 this summer. Later my family and I are going to take a trip to north dakota to visit my granparents and my uncle. he is getting a hall of fame award for being a swim coach!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Somewhere I would really like to go is Europe. I think it sounds so exciting!! I really want to to spain, france, italy and Ireland. All of those places sound interesting to me because of the things to do and see there. I had a friend that lived in Italy for three years, and she said it was soooo much fun and really pretty there. I have never been out of the country before, so anywhere I go would be cool!!!
And if I ever get go to France, I really want to see the eiffle tower.
More Geography!!!
Well this week we are learning about China and its population. Its very very large, and laws have been put in place in order to change that so it doesnt overpopulate too much. One of these policies is the one child policy, and it says that each couple/family may only have one kid in it. I agree with this because it will help reduce the population eventually and China is in desperate need of a population solution.
Im sooo excited for summer!!!! We have only TEN days of school left :) Thats pretty much all that im thinking about these days. Finals are coming up soon, and those are going to be really hard, but once they are over I and I think everybody else is going to be so relieved. Texas summers are hot though!! It was like a hundred degrees here today, ugh....
Im sooo excited for summer!!!! We have only TEN days of school left :) Thats pretty much all that im thinking about these days. Finals are coming up soon, and those are going to be really hard, but once they are over I and I think everybody else is going to be so relieved. Texas summers are hot though!! It was like a hundred degrees here today, ugh....
Sunday, May 11, 2008
This Week In Geography.....
This week in geography we learned more about the religions. Speakers from each one came up to talk to everybody on turesday. They were really hard to understand, but they gave good information. After that we had a sub for most of the week, and so we worked quitely on worksheets to study for our test on monday.
In other classes we did some fun stuff this week. For Biology we got to go on a really cool field trip to the comal river, caves, and barton springs. At barton springs we got
to go swimming and at the comal river we had an hour of free time just to run around and eat lunch. It was a long bus ride to get everywhere, but with a lot of my friends on my bus it made it a lot more fun. Our school had to use four big busses to hold all of the students, and that held only one third of my grade. The picture is of me and sarah on the bus!!
When I grow up, I don't really know what I want to be or where I want to go to college even. Im thinking about going out of state, and maybe studing something that has to do with animals. I love being outside and doing things so any job that involves that might intrest me.
In other classes we did some fun stuff this week. For Biology we got to go on a really cool field trip to the comal river, caves, and barton springs. At barton springs we got

When I grow up, I don't really know what I want to be or where I want to go to college even. Im thinking about going out of state, and maybe studing something that has to do with animals. I love being outside and doing things so any job that involves that might intrest me.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Geopgraphy this week was kind of boring, especially because we only went to class two days of the week. All we really did was silently read some articles about myanmar. Every day we had a standardized test in the morning, and we only went to half of our classes in the afternoon. We were assigned a new project, and it has to do with food so its not that bad. We have to reasearch a dish from three countries and describe the ingredients used, and make some maps.
In my life nothing much has changed. Ive been really busy at the barn and with my friends, it doesn't seem like there is enough time in my day anymore! One of my favorite childhood memories was when my dad was married, and me and him and my stepmom went up to New York. We went to a ranch with both of our families and had so much fun. There was a lake to go waterskiing in, games to play, great buffet food, and horses to ride. When we weren't there, my stepmom would take me shopping in the city and buy me a lot of nice things. It was a really good vacation, and one that I will remember for a while.
In my life nothing much has changed. Ive been really busy at the barn and with my friends, it doesn't seem like there is enough time in my day anymore! One of my favorite childhood memories was when my dad was married, and me and him and my stepmom went up to New York. We went to a ranch with both of our families and had so much fun. There was a lake to go waterskiing in, games to play, great buffet food, and horses to ride. When we weren't there, my stepmom would take me shopping in the city and buy me a lot of nice things. It was a really good vacation, and one that I will remember for a while.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
More cool austin places...
So I have told you about some austin places, but here are some more that make it especially unique.
-Amys Ice Cream!!! Yumm...the best place to go on a hot summer day. Original, great tasting ice cream flavors that everybody loves.
-Terra toys and Toy joy...the two toy stores that everybody loves! Adults and children of all ages can go inside and get lost in the sea of unique toys.
-Barton Springs...Its the popular austin swimming hole everyone enjoys!! It is cold year around, and it is a lovely area with trees and flowers surrounding the swimming area.
-Amys Ice Cream!!! Yumm...the best place to go on a hot summer day. Original, great tasting ice cream flavors that everybody loves.
-Terra toys and Toy joy...the two toy stores that everybody loves! Adults and children of all ages can go inside and get lost in the sea of unique toys.
-Barton Springs...Its the popular austin swimming hole everyone enjoys!! It is cold year around, and it is a lovely area with trees and flowers surrounding the swimming area.
This week in geography, our class learned a lot about the religions of southwest asia. We divided into groups and each group had a different religion to research. I had Islam, which a really interesting religion. After we learned about ours, we put all of the information on a posterboard and presented it to the class so that they could learn more. Next week, there is a speaker coming from each major religion to talk to us and teach us about them.
For me this week was pretty normal. I rode my horse a lot, and went to a movie with a few friends. It was really good!! These past three thursdays have been late start days at school, which means we start one hour later and we get to sleep in so that was nice. But now that school is coming to a close, there are no more late start days or holidays! But my friends and I are really excited for summer to come. What are you going to do this summer?
For me this week was pretty normal. I rode my horse a lot, and went to a movie with a few friends. It was really good!! These past three thursdays have been late start days at school, which means we start one hour later and we get to sleep in so that was nice. But now that school is coming to a close, there are no more late start days or holidays! But my friends and I are really excited for summer to come. What are you going to do this summer?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
April Fools Day!
This week in geography we began to learn about Iraq and internal conflicts. We started a small project having to do with the three major groups there, the sunni, shiite, and kurds. For the project, we had to come up with a peace plan to help the groups to get along. We also learned that water is a major problem in the middle east, as it is being unevnely distributed. It is predicted that the next wars will no longer be about oil, but instead water.
April 1 was this week....april fools day!! At least thats what is called in america. Its a day of tricks and everybody plays pranks on everyone else. Nothing is meant for harm, just all fun and games. It isn't a holiday based on religion, or culture, just a fun holiday meant for everyone everywhere to enjoy. I saw my family and friends this weekend, and had fun hanging out with them.
April 1 was this week....april fools day!! At least thats what is called in america. Its a day of tricks and everybody plays pranks on everyone else. Nothing is meant for harm, just all fun and games. It isn't a holiday based on religion, or culture, just a fun holiday meant for everyone everywhere to enjoy. I saw my family and friends this weekend, and had fun hanging out with them.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Did you know...
Texas used to be its own country?
The state moddo is friendship?
That texas is called the lone star state?
The capitol of texas is made up of 15,000 carloads of granite?
That the official sport of Texas is rodeo?
The state moddo is friendship?
That texas is called the lone star state?
The capitol of texas is made up of 15,000 carloads of granite?
That the official sport of Texas is rodeo?
Geography this week....
In geography this week we finished up our african masks and presented them. Everybodys looked really good and had a meaning. We also moved on to south asia and began drawing a map of it. For every new part of the world that we study, our class has to draw two maps for it. On map shows the outline of every country in the area along with major cities and the other one shows major physical landforms of the area, such as mountains, lakes, and rivers.
This week, in my life, nothing much has happened. I hung out with my family and friends, and had a great time. I was really busy doing my geography project all week long, because it was so time consuming. So this week was kind of boring for me in a way, but my friends still made it fun.
This week, in my life, nothing much has happened. I hung out with my family and friends, and had a great time. I was really busy doing my geography project all week long, because it was so time consuming. So this week was kind of boring for me in a way, but my friends still made it fun.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Downtown Austin!
In Austin, downtown is a major place to go. It is where the capitol of texas is, tall builings, and a great shopping/dining area. Many people go and hang out down there because it is a fun and lively place to be. The bad part about downtown are the confusing streets and busy traffic. The streets are in squares, and almost always one way which makes it difficult to navigate. Ill post some pics of downtown on the right!
In Geography....
In geography this week we learned more about african masks and tribes. We had a test as well, over afrcian countries, culture, and an essay about our socratic seminars. It was pretty easy I thought. Our afrcia mask is due thursday, and we have been learning about symbols and colors used to make the masks. Different colors mean different things, like white is purity and marriage, and purple means royalty. Most masks embody the spirit of an ancestor or resemble an animal and are used for rituals and celebrations.
There is not much new going on in my life, just the usual. Riding my horse a lot, hanging out with my friends, and celebrating easter. Easter is a religious holiday so my family and I are going to go to church. When I was little, we used to wake up in the morning, search for easter eggs (that are brought by the easter bunny) and then go to church. In the easter eggs there was a lot of sweet candy and sometimes even money.
There is not much new going on in my life, just the usual. Riding my horse a lot, hanging out with my friends, and celebrating easter. Easter is a religious holiday so my family and I are going to go to church. When I was little, we used to wake up in the morning, search for easter eggs (that are brought by the easter bunny) and then go to church. In the easter eggs there was a lot of sweet candy and sometimes even money.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Music Capitol of the World
Austin, Texas is considered to be the music capitol of the world. Part of this plays into the keep austin weird post i made earlier. Music is very expressive and unique to every person which is what keep austin weird is about. There are many music festivals here, such as ACL (austin city limits). Many bands play and anyone can come to listen. It is a lot of fun, and many people come to live in austin because of the music and uniquness. I personally like any kind of music, what kind do you like?
This Week....
In geography this week we learned about african masks. Our new project is to make an african mask however we want to. The masks are always representative of one or more things, and they should be fun to make and design. We also learned about the genocide in Darfur, which is a place in Sudan. There are many killings happening, and we discussed why it happened, and what should be done. I didn't know what was going on much before we talked about it, and it was good to learn about how other people are a lot harder off than we are here in the united states.
Tomorrow my friend and I are leaving on an airplane for spring break, which a week that we get off from school in america. We are going up to Utah for one week to try to learn to snowboard. It should be really exciting and fun. Also this week I finally got my own horse! It was really exciting for me, and I can't wait to spend more time with him. He is really big, and used to be a race horse. How do you spend your free time?
Tomorrow my friend and I are leaving on an airplane for spring break, which a week that we get off from school in america. We are going up to Utah for one week to try to learn to snowboard. It should be really exciting and fun. Also this week I finally got my own horse! It was really exciting for me, and I can't wait to spend more time with him. He is really big, and used to be a race horse. How do you spend your free time?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Keep Austin Weird!
Where I live, in Austin, Texas, many people say to keep austin weird. Basically, it means that Austin is a weird place. Almost anything goes here. You are free to be yourself, and express yourself, weather it be in a crazy way, musical way, intellectual way, or an artistic way. People that live here are proud to, it is a very colorful and original city. In a part of Austin, somebody even dedicated their house to it. I posted a few pictures of weird austin things on the right side of the page...enjoy!
What's New
Right now in geography we are learning about the genocide in Rwanda, in Africa. It is really scary and awful just to see what those people went through. The situation is similar to what happened in the Halocaust, which took place in Germany. Peoples of one group are being killed just for being that way, they didn't do anything wrong. What is worse is that only a few thoughful, generous people went in to help. Countries didn't do anything, for fear of death themselves. One monday we are having a socratic seminar, which means that the students lead the discussions, and we have to take notes and read to prepare. We will lead a discussion about the genocide in Rwanda.
In my life, there are a few new things happening. Next week on monday, there is a horse that I am going to try out to see if I want to buy him. It is real exciting for me, because I have never owned my own horse, but always wanted to. In a couple weeks is spring break, and I am taking a friend to go with me to Utah. There, we are going to attempt to try and learn to snowboard. It is going to be funny to watch us even try to stand up! I will be sure to post pictures of that.
In my life, there are a few new things happening. Next week on monday, there is a horse that I am going to try out to see if I want to buy him. It is real exciting for me, because I have never owned my own horse, but always wanted to. In a couple weeks is spring break, and I am taking a friend to go with me to Utah. There, we are going to attempt to try and learn to snowboard. It is going to be funny to watch us even try to stand up! I will be sure to post pictures of that.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
First Blog
My name is Delaney, and I am 14 years old.
So, this week in geography. Well, monday we had a test, it was pretty easy I thought. It covered russia and the republics including vegetation, climates, the russian revolution, and vocabulary. Then tuesday we began to learn about africa and today we learned about african tribilism. I learned that tribes have their own customs and culture, and almost every single one speaks a different language. Too many languages, especially considering that there are over a thousand tribes! The rest of this week we are drawing maps of africa, countries, physical features, cities, and more fun stuff.....
Lets see, when I am not in school, my life revolves around horseback riding, my family and friends. I love riding horses, I have been doing it since I was 7. Sunday I am going down to New Braunfles to look at a horse of my own, which for me is exciting! My family is small, me and my parents, 3 uncles, 1 aunt, 1 grandma, and only 2 cousins. Oh, and my dogs of course! I have four, two at my moms house and two at my dads. Their names are Max, Lucy, Bullet, and Roxy. My uncle is a swim coach, and this summer is getting put into some hall of fame....which is great for him. We are going up to see him later in May. I guess thats about all for now!
So, this week in geography. Well, monday we had a test, it was pretty easy I thought. It covered russia and the republics including vegetation, climates, the russian revolution, and vocabulary. Then tuesday we began to learn about africa and today we learned about african tribilism. I learned that tribes have their own customs and culture, and almost every single one speaks a different language. Too many languages, especially considering that there are over a thousand tribes! The rest of this week we are drawing maps of africa, countries, physical features, cities, and more fun stuff.....
Lets see, when I am not in school, my life revolves around horseback riding, my family and friends. I love riding horses, I have been doing it since I was 7. Sunday I am going down to New Braunfles to look at a horse of my own, which for me is exciting! My family is small, me and my parents, 3 uncles, 1 aunt, 1 grandma, and only 2 cousins. Oh, and my dogs of course! I have four, two at my moms house and two at my dads. Their names are Max, Lucy, Bullet, and Roxy. My uncle is a swim coach, and this summer is getting put into some hall of fame....which is great for him. We are going up to see him later in May. I guess thats about all for now!
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